Gen Atem
"Gen Atem is considered a pioneer of the European urban art movement."
In the 80s and 90s, Gen Atem lived and worked in New York and realised underground performances and exhibitions together with his mentor, the artist Rammellzee. He then studied and practised Eastern philosophy and calligraphy in a Buddhist monastery and received ordination as a Zen priest in 1999. A 200-page monograph on his work as an artist, Meditated Vandalism, was recently published by the renowned Berlin art book publisher Hatje Cantz, and his work was acknowledged in a portrait by the NZZ (Neue Zürcher Zeitung). Gen Atem has held exhibitions in New York, Paris, Berlin, Istanbul, Tokyo and other cities and has just released his third solo music album. Gen Atem on Wikipedia:
Artstübli ARCHIVE
18 May - 3 Jul 2021Artstübli Archive Joint exhibition Artstübli Gallery offers an insight into the archive of the last five years in the form of a retrospective of representative artists* displaying the contemporary facets...Read more -
GEN ATEM / MIRIAM BOSSARD – Meditated Vandalism
10 Feb - 25 Mar 2017Gen Atem gilt als Pionier der europäischen Urban Art Bewegung. Nach der New York-Graffiti Ära der 80er Jahre studierte und praktizierte er östliche Philosophie und Kalligrafie in einem buddhistischen Kloster...Read more
Kunsttage Basel – Artstübli Archiv
May 17, 2021Artstübli Archive Joint exhibition 18.05. - 03.07.21 Opening hours Tue-Fri: 11 - 18 h Sat: 14 - 18 h Artstübli Gallery offers an insight into...Read more -
March 16, 2021In the rather bleak current cultural situation Artstübli and the artist Chris Göttel would like to bring more joy into your home for a varied...Read more
GEN ATEM / MIRIAM BOSSARD – Vernissage 10.02.17
January 11, 2017MEDITATED VANDALISM Gen Atem gilt als Pionier der europäischen Urban Art Bewegung. Nach der New York-Graffiti Ära der 80er Jahre studierte und praktizierte er östliche...Read more -
February 18, 2017Gen Atem is considered a pioneer of the European Urban Art movement. After the New York graffiti era of the 1980s, he studied and practiced...Read more -
VIJYA KERN – History was made
January 21, 2019Opening night at Artstübli Gallery Basel, Switzerland: »Back To The Roots«, showing Jean Michel Basquiats early graffiti works documented by photographer Vijya Kern (middle). Gen...Read more -
BUCHVERNISSAGE – Graffiti an der Line Basel 1985–1990
September 9, 2020BUCHVERNISSAGE „Graffiti an der Line in Basel 1985 – 1990“ Publiziert im Eigenverlag von Thierry Furger Herzliche Einladung am Samstag, 26. September von 12 –...Read more