PINK & BLACK – Eddie Hara/Chris Göttel

19 June - 27 July 2024

S U M M E R  B R E A K
No regular opening times.
Open on request or attendance.

Artstübli - Art & Culture, Steinentorberg 28, Basel


In the upper part of the room, changing retrospectives of past projects, exhibitions and room installations from the last 10 years are staged as an exhibition of works by these artists from their own portfolio.


Chris Göttel grew up in Saarland, a region in Germany that has been shaped by the coal industry like no other cultural landscape for more than 150 years. Everyone who grew up there has a family member who worked in this industry. This also applies to the von Göttel family. The color black is very dominant in this region, which ultimately influenced him to explore the medium of coal.

These man-made coal heaps stand out unrealistically in the landscape and yet they have become part of the natural landscape. All these slag heaps are witnesses that have shaped everyday life for decades. They are part of Europe's cultural heritage. Untouched nature has been transformed into a shaped cultural landscape. The relationship between man and nature is a central theme. These works are depicted in a variety of ways.


Eddie Hara lives and works in Basel, CH. He completed his training at the Indonesian Institute of Arts (ISI) Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and at the Akademie voor Beeldende Kunst Enschede (AKI), Netherlands. Eddie Hara has had numerous solo and group exhibitions in Cuba, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, the Netherlands, China, the USA, Singapore and Switzerland. With his paintings, Eddie Hara wants to encourage his viewers to reflect on topics such as politics, feminism, sexism, wars, poverty, racism and so on. His works transcend their own aesthetics. Eddie Hara's works can be found in the Singapore Art Museum, the Museum der Kulturen Basel, Switzerland, as well as in private foundations, companies and galleries in Indonesia and worldwide.